I’m a pre-final year computer science undergrduate student at IIITDM Kancheepuram.
My interests lie in Fullstack Application Development, Deep Learning and Machine Learning. I love creating applications which involve these things.
Apart from academics I love contributing to open source. I generally contribute to Javascript projects especially React and Node.js. My contributions can be found on Github. I’m always active over there.
I know C, C++, Python, Javascript, R but I’m most comfortable in working with Python and Javascript codebases.
B.Tech & M.Tech in Computer Engineering, 2020
IIITDM Kancheepuram
For a more detailed list look into my Github
Minimalistic boilerplate for using Flask and React together
Web application classifies the given food image into a hotdog and a not hotdog, inspired from famous TV series Silicon Valley
CLI to clean all your private Github repositories
Neural network built using Pytorch to classify clothes
PyTorch implementation of image style transfer using convolutional neural networks based on this research paper: here